mercredi 22 mai 2013

A3 - effective planning and organization

Used MAP scores to help guide placement in maths groups. Also used them to decide where the focus was needed for the maths class.Used  DesCartes to help me know what to teach, and when the children were ready for certain concepts.
My maths class have been to teach 2G on few occasions this year. See photos. This helped them develop confidence, and also in explaining to others, it internalized what they had learned.

I have been using the mac books to work on writing. This has helped the children edit and revise their work more efficiently. The culmination of this will be a writing project where they will incorporate all the skills they have been learning this year in a longer piece of writing. In their composition they will use images found on the web to illustrate their work.

Examples of work so far:

                    Leaving the nest  
My first day of school when I wanted to start kindergarten was fun!!!          
First, I went to school. I was panicking because children were speaking English so well even though they were Korean. I was sobbing on the bench while my mother was listening to a teacher talking about the school.
I thought I am starting a new part of life because I am at a new school. So I reminded my self to be nice to friends, not let my teacher be angry at me, and not do nasty things.
My class came out and they introduced them selves. They talked with me, hold my hands. They were very friendly. They also fought with their friends because they wanted to sit with me!
We had a tour around the school and my class. My teacher was really kind. She gave me a candy to suck on!
In gym, we were warming up and running around, somebody tripped me by accident. So I began soaring through the sky and landed at the corner of the gym!!! My nose was bleeding. I had to rest for the rest of gym class. I was really annoyed!!!
They were learning about verbs and nouns. I already knew them so my first class was really easy for me.
When it was time for me to go to bed, I said to my mom, “I think I’m looking forward to tomorrow!”
And my mother said, “I’m really glad that you like the new school. Just be sure to get a good grade at the end of the school year!!!”
              And I said, “ok mom, good night!!!”Description: Macintosh HD:Users:marymount1:Desktop:Unknown.jpeg   

 by: Julie

Who am I?

My name is Juliette E. Des Rosiers. I am 9 years old. I was born in Los Angeles (LA), in the same hospital as my mom.  Since my dad works in the American Embassy, I have been moving quite a lot.  When we first moved I often felt homesick.  I lived in LA for about a year after I was born and I was very adjusted to a routine, then we moved to Belgium for three, next Romania for two, after that, LA for another, and now here.  I am fluent in English, I know quite a lot of French, and I a couple words of Spanish and Romanian.

My mom was born and grew up in LA.  Her grandparents are Croatian though.  She has a brother and a sister.  She moved to Austin, TX and married my dad.  I am not sure where she went to college, but I know she lived in Paris at one time.  She calls Texas home for some reason. My dad was also born in California, but when he was still a baby his family moved to Houston, TX.  He grew up in Texas, so he calls it home. He has two brothers.  My mom’s dad is part Croatian and American.  Her mother is American.  My dad’s father is American and French-Canadian and his mother is part Irish.

         I am most comfortable in California, so I consider it my real home.  This is because I was born there and most of my family lives there.  I still call the places I recently lived ‘home’.  I am mostly from America, but I have a little bit of Irish and French in me from my grandparents.

         Because I feel comfortable in California, I prefer to live there.  I support three sports teams, the Texas Longhorns, Dodgers, and Lakers.  I root for the Dodgers and Lakers because they are the LA sports teams. Since my parents root for the Texas Longhorns, I do to.

         When I grow up I want to live in the countryside outside of LA. I want to open a resort dedicated to Laura Ingalls Wilder during the summer and teach during the school year!
That’s All Folks!

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